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Migrani Life 60 Caps

El dolor de cabeza más intenso es la migraña, quien la ha padecido  o aun la padece sabeDe lo que estamos hablando este mal se puede  volver crónico. Para evitarlo hay que recurrirA los productos naturales  Migraine-Life es una combinación de plantas escogidas para un Buen Auxiliar para combatir la migraña. *

Auxiliar en casos de: Dolor de cabeza, Dolor de parpados, Dolores en las sienes, Molestias con la luz,  Sensación de vomito, Migraña.

Ingredientes: Mezcla patentada Fiebre pocos Ginkgo biloba L-glutamina Flor de la pasión Vitamina B1.

Forma de uso: Tomar 1 a 2 capsulas con abundante agua.

Presentación:  Frasco con 60 capsulas


Migraine Life

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Migraine Life  60 Caps

The worst  painful head ache that one can have is a migraine head ache, people who suffer from this pain describes it as an unbearable suffering pain A migraine is a common type of headache that may occur with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, or sensitivity to light. Inmany people, a throbbing pain is felt only on one side of the head. Some people who getmigraines have warning symptoms, called an aura, before the actual headache begins. An aura is a group of symptoms, including vision disturbances that are a warning sign that a bad headache is coming. Migraine- Life is the help you are looking for. *

Support and Help: Headache, Eyelid Pain, Pain in the temples,  Feeling of vomit, Migraine, Discomfort with light.

Ingredients: PROPRIETARY BLEND: Fever Few, Ginkgo Biloba,L-Glutamine, Passion Flower,Vitamin B-1(thiamine).

Suggested Use: Take 1 or 2 capsulesevery day or as recommended by healthycare professional additional drinking ofwater is recommended.

Content: Bottle with 60 capsules


* These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.